Shipton Bellinger Parish Council

Welcome to the Shipton Bellinger Parish Council website

 The Shipton Bellinger Parish Council can have up to 10 Parish Councillors and is administered by the Parish Clerk.

The Parish Council meet on the first Wednesday of each Month, except for January and August, in the Village Centre, Fletcher Room at 7.30pm.  The Public are welcome to attend and there is an opportunity at each meeting for them to speak and raise any issues of concern. An Annual General Meeting is held in May each year.

The Parish Council are responsible for financing the day to day running of the village. Money is raised in the form of a Precept; this is applied for each year from Test Valley Borough Council and shown on the Council Tax Bill as the Parish Rate.

The Parish Council employ the Clerk and various contractors. They are Trustees  of the Village Centre and Playing Field, making a financial contribution to its running costs. A copy of all Planning Applications in the Parish are sent to the Parish Council for comment, although the ultimate decision on Planning is with the District Council.

The Parish Council are responsible for: -

  1. Street Lighting in the Village
  2. Parish Council Graveyard
  3. Bus Shelters
  4. Keeping the Footpaths clear in and around the village, acting as agents for Hampshire County Council who have the ultimate responsibility.

Footpaths MAP

5. Dog Waste bins

6. Cutting the ‘Village Green’, owned by Hampshire County Council.

7. Liaising with Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council on various issues including Road Safety on the A338, Pavements, Road Signs, and the state of the Village Roads.

8. River Matters - The Village Flood Warden works closely with the Parish Council and the Environmental Agency and is responsible for the Flood Plan.

The Parish Council have in recent years put on a Christmas Lunch for the Senior Citizens of the Village in December. The Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown did not allow us to hold the Christmas Lunch in 2020. 

The Parish Council are here to help; we liaise with the military and are represented on many of the Village organisations. We have been instrumental in the revival of the Village’s Summer Fete. 

The Shipton Bellinger Summer Fete and Craft Fair will take place on its traditional date of the second Saturday in June.

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